


​​​​​​​Classroom Teaching and Learning

At Glennie Heights, we are very aware of the importance of the Australian National Curriculum and have been working on units associated with this initiative (in English, Maths and Science) since 2011. In the following years, we have added Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, LOTE Languages Other Than English - Japanese and Technologies to our planning. In 2020, the Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) were implemented (see links to our Pedogogy Framework and P-12 Curriculum Framework). During 2025, we are fully implementing Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum in English and Mathematics.

Classroom Teaching

Our school embraces the concept of multi age learning and single classes; over the years this has seen  a mixture of straight and combined classes throughout the year levels. Currently our classes are Prep; Year 1&2 (x2); Year 3; Year 4; Year 5; Year 6.

You Can Do It! 

The school’s social development program is based on the Keys for Success, Program Achieve 'You Can Do It' Program.

  • Organisation   
  • Persistence
  • Emotional resilience
  • Confidence
  • Getting Along

Each term we focus on one of these keys; You Can Do It lessons are provided weekly within the class groupings. Emotional Resilience assists each of the keys:

Term 1 - Organisation

Term 2 - Persistence

Term 3 - Confidence

Term 4 - Getting Along 

​More Specific Teaching and Learning Information

Core Learning

At Glennie Heights State School we recognise that the fundamental goal of our teaching is to assist children to embrace life long learning in a balanced and informative way.

To achieve this:

  • We promote an environment that is safe and supportive
  • All learners and their needs are considered
  • Literacy and/or Numeracy provides the basis for all activities
  • Student progress is tracked through the collection of internal and external data to identify children requiring additional support and/or extension, to inform planning, decision-making and practice, and review and report on school achievements
  • Standards and Targets are based around Regional Expectations, School Targets and Individual Student Goals
  • Specialist teachers work collaboratively with the class teacher in the areas of Music, Physical Education and LOTE (Japanese)



At Glennie Heights State School teachers explicitly teach students to construct meaning by being aware of the writer’s cause and searching for the writer’s message. Teachers model for children how to control and regulate the reading process so that they can apply deliberate mental strategies to construct, monitor and evaluate meaning. We utilise synthetic phonics in the early years as an integral strategy in the teaching of reading.  Testing and programming using the 'Big 6' literacy strategy form the basis for our reading framework. PatR/ Magic 100 words/ PM Benchmarking and Probe data is also collected during the year.


At Glennie Heights State School our goal for the English curriculum is to develop student understanding of how the English language works. This is achieved by coherence, and cumulative learning across the school years, and by developing understanding that learning is portable and applicable to new settings.

The explicit teaching and consolidation of the fundamentals of spoken and written English are important aspects of the Australian National Curriculum. These aspects of knowledge are embedded in language, literary, and literacy tasks as part of English programs throughout the school years.

Students need to develop foundational knowledge about what constitutes appropriateness, accuracy, fluency, and also to have confidence in their understandings about, speaking, reading and writing English. The'7 Steps to Writing' program is utilised as a framework for improving all aspects of our writing program.


At Glennie Heights State School we believe that spelling is important, worthy of classroom time and energy. We util​ise Education Queensland’s C2C Spelling Strategies to effectively promote continuous student improvement in Spelling. We also access the resources of the 'Words Their Way' ​program, the RIC publication 'Spelling Workbook' and test twice yearly with the nationally recognised Australian Standardised Spelling Age Test.


At Glennie Heights State School we believe that Maths should be taught in ways that develop confidence and attitudes that are needed to be choosers and users of maths within and outside the mathematics lesson. We do this by explicitly developing basic maths skills, creating an environment that encourages risk-taking, (one that doesn’t always focus on right and wrong answers) and engages students in activities, discussions, explorations and investigations where deep learning is promoted. We also utilise 'Mathletics' online activities as a resource in all classes. A focus on general numeracy skills has been recently assisted by a greater focus on hands on maths materials.


Science is integral to the balanced curriculum that  Glennie Heights State School offers to all its students. Teachers facilitate class programs that will assist all students at all levels to:

  • appreciate science as a way of knowing;
  • develop effective ways of making sense of the world around them;
  • enjoy and appreciate science by fostering a sense of inquiry and scientific literacy; and
  • construct knowledge and understandings consistent with the intent of the syllabus.

Specialist programs


Classroom Music Lessons:

Glennie Heights State School offers a comprehensive music program as part of our Arts Program.  Students learn to read and write music, play various instruments, sing and play games by participating in weekly class music lessons under the guidance of a specialist teacher.

Choral Music Program:

A Choir/Singing Group  is available for students interested in singing during Term 3 of each year. Any student from Year 1 – Year 6 is welcome to join the Singing Group; reheasal is in student break times.  The Singing Group occasionally performs on Assemblies, and at the Combined Schools Choir event held in Warwick each year.

Instrumental Program:

The Instrumental Program provides the opportunity for selected  students to learn a String, Woodwind, Brass, or Percussion  Instrument in a small group setting.  Students for the String Program are selected at the end of Year 2 so they can commence lessons at the start of Year 3.      Students for the Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Program are selected at the end of Year 3 so they can commence lessons at the start of Year 4.

Physical Activity

Glennie Heights State School has a long and strong sporting tradition.

Children are encouraged to participate actively in all sporting events, with every opportunity being given to the more talented to progress to their highest level whether this is representing School, District, Region or State.

Each year we successfully have students selected to be part of the Southern Downs rugby league, soccer, cricket, orienteering, athletics, softball and basketball teams.

The Interschool Sport Program is conducted over three seasons. Once again, maximum participation is the focus. School teams travel by bus to and from the venues on Friday afternoons. Sports offered can vary from year to year depending on the interests of the students. Sports available in interschool competitions in 2025 are: Soccer, Rugby League, Netball, Newcombe, Cricket, T Ball and Softball.

Glennie Heights has three sports houses – Astronauts, Meteors and Satellites. Two main events are held throughout the year with children competing for individual and house honours: Athletics Carnival and Swimming Carnival.

The school welcomes outside sporting groups/associations to be involved with our students. Over time sessions have been conducted by Cricket, Rugby League, Australian Football (AFL), Rugby Union, Basketball and Athletics.

Sporting Schools

The Federal Government supports programs in schools that encourage physical fitness and involvement in local team sport (for eg. in 2025 we hosted basketball each week)  
Last reviewed 13 February 2025
Last updated 13 February 2025