Glennie Heights State School has some of the best educational facilities in the region. Our buildings are diverse in age and are all extremely well maintained to appropriately meet the challenges of a twenty first century educational site.
Some recent additions/changes have been:
2025 - State funding to replace the Gillam St front fence and resheet 'A' block western exterior siding
2024 - State funding to replace and upgrade the ceiling space in 'B' block
2023 - State funding to erect a shade over our new junior playground
2022 - Community Gaming Grant provision of junior playground replacement; cricket pitch synthetic surfaces replaced
2021 - sealed vehicle access and parking for the Hall constructed
2020 - Commonwealth funded pathway from the eating are to the oval (including stairs) plus purchase of picnic tables to surround the oval
2019 - additional upgrade to 'A' block underschool area for Art Therapy provision
2018 - extension to the outdoor learning area associated with the kitchen garden project
2017 - all ovals and walkways connected to an irrigation system
2016 - all classrooms air conditioned
2015 - initial revamp of 'A' block underschool area for 'Behaviour Rewards Time'.
2014 - vegetable gardens revamped, further exterior painting completed
2013 - over $130 000 was spent on painting classroom exteriors and interiors as well as recarpeting a variety of areas.
2012 - three original classrooms were merged to create two; allowing for larger teaching and learning spaces
2011 - a Performing Arts Hall was completed. We have seating for 160 along with surround sound, data projector and microphone capabilities, a meeting room and kitchenette.
All teaching spaces have electronic and interactive whiteboards, plenty of spaces to learn and access to the outdoors. Our vegetable/flower patches have been reinvigorated with all students encouraged to participate.