to Glennie Heights State
School. We hope this website
will provide useful information on
routines and activities related to all aspects of school life at Glennie Heights State
effective partnership between home and school is a proven and a highly
essential foundation for student success. We encourage you to keep in contact
with your child’s teacher, take an interest in the activities of our site and
encourage your child to participate fully in the life of our school. Take the
opportunity to come along to visit your child/children’s classrooms, volunteer
to help in the classroom in any way you feel comfortable, attend P&C
Association meetings, celebrate with us at school Assemblies and attend special
For many years we have been working on Epstein's Keys to School/Family/Community Partnerships; these enhance our Keys to Success values education program.
Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at Home, Decision Making, Collaborating with the Community are Epstein's Keys. Together, these keys help us to understand the multifaceted way that we operate in a supportive environment.
We look forward to you working with us to assist your child in reaching their full potential. Please make a time to come and visit our wonderful school and see how we 'Aim for the Highest'.
Paul O'Mara