Leadership at Glennie Heights State School is based on the following beliefs:
To provide an active and supportive role in
student management
To provide a role model for all students
represent the school on required occasions
To assist other students to be the best they can
*The Student Leadership Model is an integral
part of our school and is designed to evolve over time and meet the needs of our students and community.
The model
Promotes the needs and interests of students
Enhances the role of students
Recognises the positive role students play in
the development of a supportive school environment
Provides opportunities for students to be
involved in school decision making (where appropriate)
At Glennie Heights State School,
extension of student skills is a focus of the school. Students are encouraged
through programs such as
Participation in student forums to raise ideas
and concerns
Sporting Activities
Opportunities to be leaders in the classroom and
Rights and Responsibilities
At Glennie Heights State School all
students have clearly defined rights and responsibilities as follows:
Work, play, and learn in a friendly, safe and
supportive school
Receive respect, courtesy and full support of
staff, parents and other students
Be informed about school rules, procedures and
Have experiences that meet their learning and developmental
Be informed of options, strategies and support
available if concerns arise
Be friendly, safe and helpful in their
interactions with other students, staff and parents
Be prepared and organised for learning
Follow school rules, procedures and activities (Be
Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible)
Participate in school activities and complete
assigned tasks to the best of their ability
Seek and use options, strategies and support if
concerns arise
Wear correct school uniform
Commit to and Model the 5 Keys to
Success (You Can Do It) Confidence,
Organisation, Emotional Resilience, Getting Along and Persistence